NEPTUN BC 1 boots cleaning machine, with side washing unit, WDH (mm) 770 x 870 x 1220
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Cleaning both the sole and entire boots, the universal boots cleaning machine Neptun BC1 solves any problem with dirt. Its sophisticated and functional design enable efficient and quick washing of both the sole, uppers and bootlegs of work boots separately from each other. Thus, the Neptun BC1 combines the functions of several machines in a single unit.

Technical Data
- Dimensions (W x L x H) [mm] 770 x 870 x 1220
- Weight [kg] 140
- Design, V2A 1.4301 (X5CrNi18-10), AISI 304
- 2 vertical brushes (boot sides) 1 horizontal brush (sole and upper side)
- Water, temp. [oC] | pressure [bar] | flow rate [L/min] 5 - 50 | 3 | 5
- Power supply 400 Volt, 0,18 kW, 50 Hz
- Control, Switch cabinet for wall mounting
- Protection class IP55
- Made of stainless steel completely
- Fast and easy cleaning of the machine
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