Sympatec PAQXOS, application software
Unit Price
On Request
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Delivery time
16 - 20 weeks
Validity Until
Sympatec PAQXOS succeeds the well proven WINDOX application software and incorporates our collective particle sizing expertise into a user-friendly and forward-thinking framework. PAQXOS is realised as a powerful, network-ready 64-bit software for Windows® environments. It serves as the joint base for all Sympatec instruments with a network interface and the connected dispersers, samplers as well as accessories for the laboratory and process environment. PAQXOS operates network wide under Windows® 11, 10 or 7. An intelligent step-by-step wizard together with the automated system detection supports the occasional or inexperienced user to get successfully started with particle sizing. PAQXOS autonomously takes care of the fundamental system settings and supports the user with built-in expert knowledge to develop a feasible measurement method and yield meaningful results.